SHANTEE PERKINS born and raised in Buffalo New York. She is the founder of Starr Connextions, Inc. An organization providing positive youth development to youth 13-19 years of age in Buffalo, NY, to prepare them to meet the challenges of adolescence and adulthood thus successfully connecting to their destiny.
Best known as DJ Starr, Shantee has worked with organizations such as Pretty as a Daisy and World of Girls Empowerment in mentoring teenage girls. She was the key note speaker and received the Principal Award from John Williams School #5 in Rochester, NY. Shantee is collaborating with several organizations on a youth program called Locked Up, which is a program deterring youth from the life of crime.
Shantee is the Executive Producer and host of her own talk show called, The DJ Starr Show. The mission of the show is to showcase local unsung heroes who bring inspiration and positive messages to the WNY community. The DJ Starr show can be seen on YouTube and, an online broadcasting multimedia company. Shantee is the creator and Executive Producer of Real Teens Reel Talk Show. The mission is to create a platform for young people 13-19 years of age to openly discuss key issues that affect them and the lives of their peers. Real Teens Reel Talk show can be watched on and YouTube.